Friday, June 23, 2006

A knitted tube top, but nothing else lately.....

I am back after a bit of struggling to crunch the numbers for our taxes. I seem to find this the worst part of our life in Canada. The Middle East was truly a blessing in this respect - no taxes, coupled with many holidays and wonderful siesta moments. Vacation time was from one month to 45 days a year with paid airline tickets to our home country. During the month of Ramadan, working hours were reduced from 8 hours to 6 hours and for Government workers to 4 hours a day which was also great because my husband worked for the Government. The best part was that I had a full time housemaid which was a huge blessing when the kids were small and when I needed the help most and we could afford it.

We made very, very good money in the Middle East, which we saved. We lived comfortably for the most part, but we loathed to spend on furniture etc. because we could be sent back home with a month's notice and the cost of freight was daunting. We were workers on work visas and we could never ever get permanent residency. If the Company we worked for, chose to make changes, our work visas were cancelled and we were sent packing, back to our home country. We lacked security which is why eventually we made Canada our home instead. We have bought a home of our own and we have bought our own stuff. We have no more worries about having to ship it back home or being thrown out of the country.

I made a pretty tube top on the Passap. I love this yarn as it has a silver thread running through it and transforms this top into something glamorous - for a special evening. I still have to make a cord to tie it up with the loop on the front and maybe from the sides too, but I will be finished today.


Kate said...

Hi Karen!

You are very talented! I love the crocheted wedding dress! It's magnificent!

Lily said...

Hi Karen, thank for your interest in my pattern. I will think about it. I read about your working experience in your other blog, and I really enjoy it. I wish you continue up date it.