Saturday, April 15, 2006

I've been a busy bee

I have been wielding my crochet hook like a conductor with a baton to a very fast tempo. I made this gorgeous halter top with gold thread, a cute cap and I am half way through making a skirt. The rug/blanket I'm afraid only got a few stitches into it and I got side tracked yet again. The halter has been scanned in two pictures which I have transposed one over another - it is the only way I can do it, since I am using a scanner and not a camera. The picture does not do it justice - my daughter says she wants it. (I guess I won't be selling much at this rate). I will be adding a black or gold satin lining to it. The back of the halter, I rib knitted on my Passap E6000 which is elastic and gives it a great fit. I am so thrilled, because in addition to this productivity, I won on e-bay, three super accessories for my Passap, which will make the whole process of knitting so very easy. I got the tricofit, the U100E and the Picto for intarsia knitting. I can't wait for my package to arrive. Get ready for a whole bunch of new creativity.

I wanted to make the cap with a visor, but the visor was'nt stiff enough, so I pinned it back with the button and it still is very cute. It should go well with the skirt too once that is done. I may make a matching top for the skirt and maybe a tote bag to complete the ensemble'.

The skirt is half-way done. It is like the pattern of the red and white dress that I described in my previous post, except that the top was white with the red lining. You can now picture it here with a litte bit of imagination. I started it late last night and it looks really nice. It is really simple, and will have a draw string around the waist.
I am going to try and take pictures with one of the kids' camera's if I can figure out how to do this, so I won't have to spend so much time transposing and putting pictures together. More in my next post and hopefully very soon - the skirt should be finished, maybe by tonight..........

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