Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Newly listed on Etsy - http://www.etsy.com/your_shop.php

I've been a busy bee. I have these waves that come upon me and now its all things crochet. I have been doing a bunch of scarves and enjoying each stitch. Praying as I go along for the one who wears it. So much blessing goes with these lovingly crafted items because I have faith that it will be so. I have been listing these on Etsy too. Check them out as I am giving out free socks with some of these scarves. Shipping is also free and they make perfect gifts.

More fun times in the world of handcrafting is my wish for you!!! God Bless!!

Don't forget to visit our website: http//www.deknac.com/ to check out more handmade items and tons of great yarn...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Custom Knits

Custom Knits and Crochet are undertaken by a mother and daughter team. Mum knits in the experienced category and I knit in the intermediate category I guess. I also crochet and scrapbook and make other handicrafts. Some images of our work are displayed here.

Please email us custom orders - go through our website to email us. Email us a pattern and let us know your size and request a quote. We charge 50% at the time of the order, and 50% at the time of shipping. Payments must be made through Paypal and you can use your credit card to make payment through Paypal. Email us for more details.... Check out our website

Friday, February 23, 2007

A pj for Serena

Well I'm back again to blogging away. I love this way of making a personal journal and it does more for my own soul when I come back and read my musings at a later date and I am reminded of the simple pleasures and the talent that God has given me.

I started to crochet using Moda Dea Beloved in Turquoise. This yarn has such a wonderful feel to it. Just touching it makes you want to snuggle. "Serena", I said, "Just feel this yarn". Serena, let the yarn run through her fingers, "Mum, she said, "I would love a pj.". So, guess what, my crochet hook took on this project with a zest. I have completed the top. All I am waiting for is for Serena to put it on and make any small adjustments and complete the edging. I will insert a picture tomorrow. I am still deciding whether I should pursue using the same color for the pants or make it with the color "rose" and tie up the pant to the top with some "turquoise" designs on the pant legs. Anyway! wait for the reveal tomorrow.

Friday, June 23, 2006

A knitted tube top, but nothing else lately.....

I am back after a bit of struggling to crunch the numbers for our taxes. I seem to find this the worst part of our life in Canada. The Middle East was truly a blessing in this respect - no taxes, coupled with many holidays and wonderful siesta moments. Vacation time was from one month to 45 days a year with paid airline tickets to our home country. During the month of Ramadan, working hours were reduced from 8 hours to 6 hours and for Government workers to 4 hours a day which was also great because my husband worked for the Government. The best part was that I had a full time housemaid which was a huge blessing when the kids were small and when I needed the help most and we could afford it.

We made very, very good money in the Middle East, which we saved. We lived comfortably for the most part, but we loathed to spend on furniture etc. because we could be sent back home with a month's notice and the cost of freight was daunting. We were workers on work visas and we could never ever get permanent residency. If the Company we worked for, chose to make changes, our work visas were cancelled and we were sent packing, back to our home country. We lacked security which is why eventually we made Canada our home instead. We have bought a home of our own and we have bought our own stuff. We have no more worries about having to ship it back home or being thrown out of the country.

I made a pretty tube top on the Passap. I love this yarn as it has a silver thread running through it and transforms this top into something glamorous - for a special evening. I still have to make a cord to tie it up with the loop on the front and maybe from the sides too, but I will be finished today.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Matching top

The matching top for the skirt I crocheted is done. Mind you, the picture came off the scanner again. I made the top in ribbing on the Passap and I crocheted the straps and the hem in the same pattern of the skirt, but of course in red. It is lovely. If my girls say it looks good, then I know it will appeal to other teenagers. They are very critical of my work, so when they say it is great, I have to say "YES!!!".

My next item may be a matching jacket. I will be up-dating my website too, so please visit:

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Skirt and belt to boot

The skirt is finished. I finished it 2 days ago, but because I cannot take a picture, I once again laboriously scanned and transposed the pictures and they still do not do it justice. The belt that I made turned out really super. I had very pretty painted beads which I interspersed with beads that had different shades of brown. I also had a spring loaded clasp which I used instead of a buckle. I had fun making the belt. Both items look great.

I have now embarked on a matching top for the skirt in red and white but using a finer thread. You should see this item of interest in a day or two. Happy Crafting!!!!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I've been a busy bee

I have been wielding my crochet hook like a conductor with a baton to a very fast tempo. I made this gorgeous halter top with gold thread, a cute cap and I am half way through making a skirt. The rug/blanket I'm afraid only got a few stitches into it and I got side tracked yet again. The halter has been scanned in two pictures which I have transposed one over another - it is the only way I can do it, since I am using a scanner and not a camera. The picture does not do it justice - my daughter says she wants it. (I guess I won't be selling much at this rate). I will be adding a black or gold satin lining to it. The back of the halter, I rib knitted on my Passap E6000 which is elastic and gives it a great fit. I am so thrilled, because in addition to this productivity, I won on e-bay, three super accessories for my Passap, which will make the whole process of knitting so very easy. I got the tricofit, the U100E and the Picto for intarsia knitting. I can't wait for my package to arrive. Get ready for a whole bunch of new creativity.

I wanted to make the cap with a visor, but the visor was'nt stiff enough, so I pinned it back with the button and it still is very cute. It should go well with the skirt too once that is done. I may make a matching top for the skirt and maybe a tote bag to complete the ensemble'.

The skirt is half-way done. It is like the pattern of the red and white dress that I described in my previous post, except that the top was white with the red lining. You can now picture it here with a litte bit of imagination. I started it late last night and it looks really nice. It is really simple, and will have a draw string around the waist.
I am going to try and take pictures with one of the kids' camera's if I can figure out how to do this, so I won't have to spend so much time transposing and putting pictures together. More in my next post and hopefully very soon - the skirt should be finished, maybe by tonight..........