Monday, April 03, 2006

Cobweb crochet shawl

Crochet Blogs

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I started this shawl yesterday and I am almost at the half way point and boy! does it look gorgeious. This is also the very first time that I am blogging and I do not know what I am doing, but.... I am just going with the flow. I guess it will make sense somewhere down the line, as I search this out and find out how other bloggers operate exactly.

Anyway, as I was saying, I hope to finish the shawl tomorrow or maybe the day after and then it will go on my website: to be sold. My daughter checked it out and already I could hear her asking me to make it into an outfit for her instead, but she bit her tongue and kept her words in check - so a shawl it has proceeded to be. Here - I have scanned and uploaded a picture and if I do say so myself, I think it does look very pretty. I welcome comments and critique too. More in my next blog as soon as I view what others have written and I find out more about the whole blogging experience....

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